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Fashion Design School

  • The Department of Fashion Design is internationally recognized for its unique interdisciplinary program within a fine arts foundation. Its nontraditional, three-year curriculum within the four-year degree program instills an awareness of the social, political, and technological forces shaping the 21st century.
  • The fashion curriculum is based on sequential courses that provide a firm foundation in drawing, draping, pattern making, and garment construction. In courses that combine historical research with a contemporary exploration of draping and patternmaking, students extend the traditional boundaries of fashion to examine clothing as it relates to lifestyle, sculptural practice, performance and movement, costume, and art.
  • Students can select a core pathway that prepares them for the fashion industry, or choose a range of courses that deal with garment in a more conceptual/experimental way. In the core pathway a sequence of linked design and construction classes – in which individuality and originality is strongly encouraged – prepare the students for work in the fashion industry. The department faculty interview students who have completed the First Year Program and review their portfolios for core-course placement.

    Fashion Design School